Since the creation of a specific department of R&D in 2007, OCIDE has registered a qualitative leap with establishing and making visible a commitment inside the Board of Directors of the company and also with materializing a common concern among the professionals of the company.
The R&D departament is in charge of the development of special projects through the research on new materials and building systems, having intensified its activity during the last years, and finishing projects started in previous financial years.
At the same time, also the partnerships with specialized institutions and Universities have increased through the subscription of collaboration agreements. The company is involved in many projects whose final objective is to transfer the results and apply them for the improvement of the processes, programs and works carried out.
For instance, in the Infrastructure field, OCIDE was the leader of the Sub-ballast project: “Design of alternatives with new materials like sub-ballast layer for railway lines”, in direct collaboration with the Transportation Department of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Ministry of Development and the Regional Government of Valencia. This Project benefited the recognition and funding from CDTi, additionally generating patents for the product and studied procedure.
For the last several years OCIDE has been working for the development of a trenchless methodology for the repair and rehabilitation of underground pipelines, as implementation for our company which is also specialized in urban services. This project counted on the collaboration of the Rey Juan Carlos University, campus of Móstoles.
As concerns the water field, OCIDE has focused its R&D on the optimization of the power efficiency regarding the desalinization processes through reverse osmosis, the reuse and technologies of wastewater treatment plants, reducing their costs and impact on the environment, the development of the supercritical oxidation technology for the removal of the sludge produced during the water treatment and purification processes, and lastly, the optimization of the hydraulic infrastructures for considerations of sustainability for the complete water cycle.
Without a doubt, the R&D department has become a key business line for the development of the company and for this reason its follow-up and monitoring is carried out by the Presidency and all the technical teams of the group are involved in this department.
Although it is not less true that one of the pillars of the R&D and of the current market is the external collaboration and the creation of partnerships, mainly with Institutions and Universities. The company has established collaborations with public organisms, either through subsidies or partnerships with the Ministry, the Centre for the Technological Industrial Development (CDTI), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), AIDICO, IVACE or the Transport and Port Network Management Entity of the Government of the Region of Valencia (GTP), among others.
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